ActivePure is seeking emergency FDA approval for the Air and Surface Pro+ Air Purifier purifier to fight Covid-19. Below is a news report from CNBC:
ActivePure is seeking emergency FDA approval for the Air and Surface Pro+ Air Purifier purifier to fight Covid-19. Below is a news report from CNBC:
Keeping your companion animal’s skin healthy and coat shiny can prove challenging.
The skin is the largest organ in the body and requires proteins and other nutrients. It’s not surprising that subtle changes in the amount of nutrients supplied to the skin can have a noticeable affect on its overall condition.
Even if your companion animal eats a nutritious diet, his or her skin takes a backseat to the rest of her organs … in essence, only receiving the “leftovers”. Dr. Jane Bicks, founder of Dr. Jane’s Healthy Pet Foundation, believes it’s important to supplement with additional nutrients, to help your furry one achieve skin and coat health. (more…)
Brody and D’arcy are two of the babies I get to see almost every day. D’arcy is 4 years old. She LOVES squeekey things and chasing squirrels. She also likes her tummy rubbed, and as you can see from the picture, rolling in the grass.
Her brother, Brody, is an 8 year old Scott that wouldn’t dream of being so undignified as to stoop to having his tummy rubbed. But (like so many men) the way to this handsome boy’s heart is through his tummy – with treats.
With Brody, I can’t get him to stay outside long enough for his afternoon potty break because he knows he gets a treat when he comes back in. D’arcy is difficult to get to come IN because she might miss the squirrel.
They are a great couple of kids that make me laugh. I am happy to have them as friends.
Thanks to a generous supporter who read the article about Harriet, the guide dog, The Seeing Eye received an anonymous donation for $2,000 in Harriet’s Dittman’s name. What a wonderful gift for the season of Thankgiving!
It’s not too late if you want to make a difference. Give to The Seeing Eye 1-800-524-8835.
It is with a heavy heart that I forward this memorial letter from my friend, Robert Dittman about the passing of his guide dog, Harriet. A photo of Robert and his veterinarian companion, Mary Kate is attached. Unfortunately, although I have seen Robert and Harriet together often, I never took their picture. Those who wish may donate in Harriet’s name to “The Seeing Eye” 1800 524 8835 so the dream of seeing eye dogs can continue into the future.
Harriet was born at the Seeing eye October 31st, 1994 and became my first guide on September 26th 1996. She lead a life full of adventure and loved her work spending twelve years on active duty as a Seeing eye dog retiring in 2007. I would like to share some memories of her if you will permit me. (more…)
I love it when one of my families adopt a new member – especially if they had lost one after many years of care. This is the case with the family whose message follows. You may remember my post several months ago about little Ava. This is her family. (more…)
All too often the worst email a petsitter gets from a client is the one that notifies of a pet passing. While these little guys and gals are not mine (technically) I get so fond of them it’s difficult for me to even write this memorial.
Today I want to tell you about a very special little Jack Russel named Sparky Zimmerman. I could tell you that after 13 years on this world, on Tuesday morning Sparky passed into the many treed, fire hydrant decorated, green fields of doggie heaven due to a respiratory illness. But I would rather tell you about this gentle and sweet little guy that loved to sit in my lap and be petted. Who always greeted me with a wagging tale, ready for a walk. (more…)
It isn’t just children who suffer from the back to school blues—pets can suffer too. After a long, fun summer, an empty house can be a difficult adjustment for pets.
Pet Sitters International advises pet owners to become familiar with the signs of pet separation anxiety and how it can be treated.
Nail trimming is a vital part of your pet’s healthcare routine. Many pet parents never receive any training about the best method for trimming nails safely.
Watch this short video for helpful tips for better nail care.
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